And I'm sure I'm not the first person to write about it in a blog, either.
But as an artist, as an ACTOR, this hit me hard.
He was several months younger than me.
He had nothing but potential. His work in 'Brokeback Mountain' was superb. And after 'The Dark Knight' comes out, and the mass public sees what he did with The Joker, I'm sure his career would have sky-rocketed. And now, naked in a subleased apartment surrounded by pills, his candle burns out. It's a damn shame.
Life can go away at any moment. It's important to remember that. When we, as actors, complain about our roles. Are slow to memorize our lines. Moan about how hard our life is.
But it is the life we've chosen.
We should work our asses. Off.
Heath Ledger's passing has made me realize one thing: work as hard as I can, because tomorrow I may not get the chance.
RIP, Mr. Ledger. You're an inspiration, and you'll be missed.

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