Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dark Play? Great Mood!

So I have been giving a lot of though to my last post, about, you know, letting go of the past, moving forward, conquering the demons of the past to relish in the angels of the future, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…I suppose that because I'm doing 'The Pillowman' I am in a sort of perpetual state of contemplation and darkness...however, I'm feeling pretty positive lately, and this concept of 'live and let die', apart from being a great Wings song and terrible Bond film, is something I can sort of see myself sticking too...

And here’s what I’m thinking:

You really can’t escape the past. You can, however, learn from the mistakes you made and look to avoid such mishaps in the future.

Do you have an issue with how you and a certain ex parted ways?

Too bad. Next time, make sure you deal with it in the moment, because no amount of whining your snotty head off now is going to make you feel better about not telling her you loved her and that you know it could work, blah-de-blah.

Do you have an issue with where you ended up going to undergrad?

Too bad. Next time, well, there won’t be one. But guess what: if you have kids, instill in them a belief that anything is possible and encourage them to shoot for the moon. Guess what, Juggo, you CAN afford Harvard…

Do you have an issue with the way you look? Change it.

Evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.

Nada Surf has an album called “The Weight is a Gift.”

You know what? The weight of your past CAN be a gift. It’s a gift in that you have the means to propel onward in a more positive light. The gift of experience, I suppose.

Yep, it’s Spring. Bring on the cheer.

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