Sunday, December 02, 2007

Remember, Remember, The Month of December...


So, it's December. Peace, love, joy, cheer, blah-de-blah.

Point is, it is time for my annual visit home to the holy lands of California.

Except this time I'm driving.

I leave Sunday December 9th. I'll be stopping in Santa Fe, New Mexico, possibly Las Vegas, then up to Monterey, CA. I'll be there from about December 15th-20th, then driving down the coast and over to Bakersfield. I'll probably camp in Big Sur on the way down. I'll be in Bakersfield from 22-27th, then in So Cal (L.A./San Diego) through 27th-January 10th. Then I drive back to good ole' Illinois.

I figured I needed a big epic road trip this winter. A little soul searching. A little time doing whatever I feel like for a month.

I look forward to hearing from/seeing all of you that I can on my trip West.

Peace (for real),


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